Saturday, September 13, 2008

Learning to Fly

Are you wondering why I have a picture of Tinkerbell with the title of Learning to Fly? Well that is because my sweet angel decided it was time to spread her wings and fly. She felt as if she needed to explore greater things and discover more ideas.

During nap time today or what was supposed to be nap time she was struggling with going to sleep. We heard her talking for nearly an hour, but I was determined that she needed a nap. Next thing Mark and I knew was we heard a loud thump and then her screaming. I ran to her door with Mark on my heels. O MY!!! Flat on her back was my blue eyed angel with the scared look of that sudden stop that she came to. I never in my life have been so scared. All I could do was hold her. I couldn't even see if her limbs were still in place and attached. I knew she wasn't bleeding from the front side, but I couldn't let go. Mark finally got her and made sure she could move, but she was still crying that fear and screaming Mommy. I got her back from him and we dried up the tears. Mark told her to get down and walk and she did fine. Praise God. Sara and I were just talking about how we haven't had to go to the ER with her. Mark says it is time to change her crib into the toddler bed, but Mommy is the one struggling with that. I don't want her to be a big girl. Not to mention that at least she is somewhat confined in a crib. The ideas of her being able to get up brings nightmares into my head.


Sara T. said...

How scary! Sam did that one time. And he never did it again. Sophie has not attempted to but I know our crib days are limited!

Amanda-The Family News! said...

i am right with you on this one. Avery has never tried to climb out, only in - funny! he drops his animals or book in the crib when its bed time then tries to get in there with them. brian wants to put him in the toddler bed too (he's afraid he will eventually fall out) but my thinking is just leave him be for now. Like you said the thought of them being confined to the crib is much easier to handle!