Monday, October 26, 2009

The Good Samaritan

Isn't it great how God puts you exactly where He wants you and when He wants you. We joined a small group at church of our peers and this past weeks lesson was on kindness and the good Samaritan and how we all need to slow down and look around us for people who need our love and attention. We listened and I coughed back tears as I know I am guilty of not always "looking" around to see who might need an ear or a shoulder or maybe even a hug. I often shy away from those people who would benefit most from someone showing some love. Well, our homework is to try and do something kind-spontaneously when someone needs you (loved ones or strangers). I thought about it and realized that our parents and grandparents didn't seem to have a problem doing this and that they always seemed to help people. My daddy, Mark's mom, my grandmother, all of these people come to mind and I can specifically remember events which they showed their kindness.
Well, tonight we were shown some kindness. A member of our group remembered that Mark is currently working on a year of unemployment, and he called us to see if Mark would be willing to do some work for him and earn some money. Not anything full time but none the less some work and some money. WOW!!!!! It hasn't been an easy year for us-our first year of marriage has brought many hardships, but we are working on putting God first and as the bible states He will bless you, He will take care of you. I don't want to mention names as the ones that need to know already do. This man has just brought a ray of hope to our world just before the holidays. Mark's birthday was great but there were also some tough times that day too, so Mark hold your head high and know that we are doing the right thing. He is already showing us that. I love you.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Beginning of the school Year.

Well, life has been pretty busy here at the Crisp house. We had lots of meet the teachers, registrations, open house, etc....... Addy's new teacher is Mrs Sydney. She seems very nice and Addy seems to be doing well. She peed her pants for the first few days, but that must be her way of expressing her anxiety. She hasn't done it since and everyday seems to go well. She started her first dance class tonight which we will be working on. She had a blast, but did have to go to time out for not listening. My princess is growing up. It makes me so sad. She knows her normal routine though because I picked her up from school yesterday and the first thing she asked was "where's my daddy?" I thought it was very sweet. She loved that I was there, but knows her daddy normally picks her up.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


There’s a great new “linky” service available and I wanted to let you know about it. It’s called After realizing the need for a new, reliable linky capability, Brent Riggs and MckMama got together to create a free, easy to use linky service for all their blog friends.

MckLinky is a free link list feature that allows you to do include lists of other blog links like MckMama does on Not Me! Monday. You can use MckLinky any time you want your blog readers to leave a list of links on your blog. It’s simple, reliable, free...and loads of MckFun!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer Fun

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Headed to see.......

Yep once again I am going to see some Kenny!!!! Mark and I will be going to the Kenny Chesney concert next Thursday May 21st. WHOO HOO. I am excited. I went to see him a few years ago with my friend Angie and we had a blast. The only thing that will make it better is my honey is going with me this time. I hope he doesn't mind all of the screaming. LOL..

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Mark's dad will be having surgery in the morning(minor), please keep him in your prayers.

Also, continue to pray for Baby Stellan and the whole MckClan.

I am going to say it........

Well, I have been hesitant on posting our most recent news, but I am so proud I will tell......

Addy has been working on potty training and we have now been 3 days/no accidents. We have been singing a new song that I won't share, and those of you who are working on it I would say at some point you just have to get silly with it and sing, dance, or whatever. Addy is VERY OCD about the toilet flushing. She gets really upset at places where the toilet flushes on its own. It worries her to the point of tears. O and no seat covers for her. If you try to put her on a seat protector she cries and won't sit down. Today was big though. We were outside playing and she came and told me she needed to go to the bathroom. So we came running in and she told me to go away so I stood outside the door and just made sure she was okay. She was great and she did get some Mims (M&M's). Wow this may not make your day, but it sure made mine.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I thought these were nice.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Here are the Easter Bunny surprises that he left for everyone today.

From left to right:
Addison's, Taylor's, Amber's, and Marks....

Gosh the Easter Bunny was sure tired after our house. LOL

Friday, April 10, 2009

Beaster Bunny

Now for the picture of her doing something that she LOVES. Finding worms with her Daddy....

If you haven't seen any of the wedding pics, here is one of he and I just after saying I DO...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

O MY Should I????

I am really trying to figure out if I should go have Addison's haircut. I am tossing back and forth if I should or not. It's only hair right? Well,,, not really. This is my baby girls hair. I can finally braid it, put it in pigtails, curl it, and much more. If I cut it I am so scared I will miss it badly. I know it will grow back, eventually, but what to do in the mean time. HMMMM. I guess I am going to sleep on this one. I sure hope the people in this house get a better attitude SOON!!!!!!!!! Goodnight.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Gosh I wish it would have lasted longer:

And this is what her daddy and her decided to do when you are at home together all day:

You eat white powder sugar donuts all day....