Monday, November 24, 2008

Black Friday

I am so ready to go on our annual shopping trip on Friday. This time I think we are going to change it up a little and go at 12:01am on Friday instead of 5am. As always it will be me and my shopping buddy Sara. I have invited my very best friend Amanda, but I think she believes its nuts to miss sleep for shopping-I love you anyway girl. I think this is the most exciting time for me because now I really am shopping for the kids. I have several to take care of and I have been online comparing deals and looking for the best prices for each of them. I can't wait. Some of you are thinking that I have to be crazy, but right now times are tough and where there is a deal there is me. My favorite retail kids clothing store (around here that I can afford) is right at the top of my list, GYMBOREE. I got a coupon in the mail today for an additional 20%. I can already see what great deals I can get for baby girl and others.

By the way, Sophie and Sara have been climbing on tables everyday for the last week. I sure wish they would stop so Addy would quit telling on them. :) Daddy joined them today.

Monday, November 17, 2008

New Pictures

Addy's pictures are ready for order. Check them out here: There are two pages a total of 32 pics. Enjoy. Some of her many faces are revealed.

Let me know your favorite so we can narrow down our purchases. I am off to the gym.

Friday, November 14, 2008


I come to you with a heavy heart and sad thoughts. Today was a tough day at work. I arrived on time and with no thoughts of anything bad until we noticed extra security guards and the mood was just not right. My two good friends that started the same day that I did almost 6 years ago, and I went to lunch today. After lunch Connie and I began working on the hard close review books for corporate next week and one of those ladies (Pattie) came to us and said it's me. She had been disabled from her computer and no one had even spoken to her about what was going to happen. Now call me old fashion or whatever, but I wish that someone would have talked to her before cutting of her access to her workstation. I know that it is never a good time for this to happen and I know the shape the economy is in, but this hit so close to home. I am sad for her tonight and her whole family. She lost a loved one last week and now this. She has gone through so much this past year that I know she will overcome this too. She was smiling when I left and said "where God closes one door he opens another". There were a bunch of people that this happened to today at our office and other locations for Hubbell and I just ask that you pray for these people and their families. This is not the time of year or a good time in the economy for anyone to get laid off. My heart aches for Pattie and these others.