Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Well guess what------------Addy has a spot at Covenant beginning early Sept. I am beside myself with excitement. I have been hoping and praying that she would get in there, but had been very disappointed. The only thing I am left with that is weighing heavy on my mind is how to pay for it. Tuition there is going to be an extra $92.00 a month. WOW---I believe in my heart that it is worth it, but still very scary to me to take her from her friends and have to pay extra that we really don't have. I need your comments on what to do. Help me here blog friends. I want the VERY best for her, but I want to be able to do extras too. What do I do?


Amanda-The Family News! said...

Oh - Avery will be super upset with this...but you need to do what you feel best.
On a side note - it was sweet this morning...Avery was not in a good mood and didn't want me to leave and then Addy and Mark came in and Avery was excited - he reached for Addy and she came running over to him. Then he wanted to leave with Mark....

Why is it an extra $92? Is that just the cost of the preschool part and the "daycare"?

Stephanie said...

Yes tuition is 128 a week there instead of the 105. Daycare is a killer.---I know you feel me on that. :)

The Sparks said...

Yea! I am glad that you got a spot at Covenant. Maybe we will see you around.

Last year we were paying for TWO - we feel like we got a raise only having to pay for one.