Friday, August 22, 2008


I am at a loss on yesterday. I have thought so hard and tried so hard not to be upset about this, but I am. When I entered the room to pick up baby girl from school, I saw one teacher with her hands folded, and the other began to tell me what a HORRIBLE day Addison had. She let in to tell me that she threw a ball at her. (Hello it's a ball), she yelled at them (she's two, she yells at me), she disrupted class, she took toys from other kids including her friends (this would be Avery-sorry Amanda), and did all sorts of things. She also told me that there was a note in her bag, but she wanted to make sure I knew about her behavior. She told me that she finally sent Addison to Shelly's office(director) for her to discipline her. I asked her what happened in Shelly's office, and she told me that she talked to her about her behavior problems and how we couldn't act that way. She said Addy knew she was introuble and came back and told them "Addy's intouble".


I know that Addison is not an easy child. I also know that she is two. I know that I don't allow these things to go on either so I am not upset that they needed to discipline her. I am upset at how it was handled. SHE IS TWO!!!! She does things everyday that she isn't supposed to do. That is where the "ADULTS" step in and show her that what she is doing isn't right. I felt as if they thought once they told her once to stop that they thought she would stop. HELLO. I sometimes have to tell her 10+times or even put her in the corner. I had no words for them other than I was sorry and I would try to put her to bed a little earlier in case she didn't get enough sleep. UGH. If you have any suggestions for me please let me know. I will tell you that I don't think the snack helped too much: rice krispies and koolaid. HELLO!!!


Anonymous said...

I know how frustrating it is to be told your child was terrible. That happened to me with Sam a few times and I was so sad because I knew he was generally a good boy. Just hang in there and you'll get it squared away soon.

Amanda-The Family News! said...

Avery had a meltdown that same day... Something about he tore a page out of the book and one of the teachers put the page away and he had a complete meltdown over it - with quivering lips and all. Must have been a bad day all around..

The Sparks said...

Maybe this is God's way of showing you that you are doing the right thing by moving her.

I understand - we all have been there and I have to tell myself "This too shall pass"

About the Kool-aid - Faith can not have kool-aid, we laugh and say that it makes "her crazy", but she just can't have it. I don't know what is in it the kool-aid, but it makes her wild.

I hope you both have a better week! I'll pray for you.