Monday, August 18, 2008

Apple for the Teacher

Teachers are gearing up for the school year just as the students. There will be classrooms filled with some happy children, some crying children, laughter, lunchboxes, clipboards, and lots of talking. I can't imagine being a teacher and trying to deal with all of the different things coming their way beginning tomorrow. I was thinking the other day that these are the men and women who have our kids more than we have them. They spend the majority of the day with these people. WOW!!! I know there are some teachers who are just in the job for the paycheck, but as little as that paycheck is for what they do for our children there are more that truly care about what they are doing in these kids lives. Have you ever thought that teachers are some of these children's only positive influence.

In church yesterday (SCC) they were encouraging people to pray for the teachers, students, and all of the faculty that it takes to run the school year successfully.

I also encourage you to tell your child's teacher or even your teacher, if that be the case, that you are praying for them. I know I am going to for Taylor's teacher this year-when I find out who that is. I am also going to pray for Addison's teacher. They have such a job ahead of them. I also am going to pray for all of the teachers including my sister who started back at Hendrix Elementary this year teaching 5K.

I hope everybodys start is just how they wanted and things go great for each of you.


Sara T. said...

Thank you for thinking of myself and my colleagues. When I stop to think that I am responsible for other people's children during the day, I am overwhelmed! But I keep going back because I love it...I have a hard time picturing myself doing anything else. Pray that I will be everything the children need me to be.