Thursday, December 4, 2008


Ladies and anyone else......

I am going to do it. I have been making some bows and we are going to do a bow party (as long as I have enough interest). Please let me know if you would want to come or we could do a virtual one too if that would be easier for everyone.

Also, I got the deal of a lifetime today. I ordered the Rose Petal Cottage from Amazon this morning because they had it on sale for $29.99 with free shipping. I am going to put it up for Addy's birthday next year.


Becky said...

Dang! I wish I had known about that sale! I would have done the same thing. If you run across anymore of those awesome deals, let an old time friend know! LOL

Let me know when you do your bow party...I'll come.

Anonymous said...

I will come to a bow party! Where are you going to have it? We could do it here if you want more space and I can invite some people from school if you get me some invites together. Oooooo, I love me some hairbows!!!

By the time I got home and got online yesterday, that cottage was back up to $60...I'm so jealous of your deal!

The Sparks said...

Yes, I would come to a bow party!!!!!

Amanda-The Family News! said...

Let me know - You know I could always use some hair bows!!!!