Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Prayers Needed for a Mom and her family

My friend Amanda, The Family News, shared a post about a mom who is fighting for her life as well as her babies life. She is pregnant and facing so many challenges right now. Her baby has heart failure and she is having difficulty herself. Please pray for this family. Mom, Dad, two brothers, and one sister. God is the only one who can take care of them right now.


Amanda-The Family News! said...

Was that not the most heartbreaking thing...I mean it is so emotional to me to just read and get into someones blog and be excited for them about their pregnancy and follow it with them and then to come across something like this with them as well...just gives me cold chills. I hope all turns out ok.

Stephanie said...

Yes me too. I read the entire thing today and cried and felt so sorry for her and her family. I just wish I could give her a big hug. I sit here now and keep going back to see what the baby is and his/her name. I can't wait for them to say.

Anonymous said...

Wow, thank you for visiting my blog and for praying for me and for passing along our need for prayer. You must be friends with Amanda? She has been such an encouragement to me with her comments, too!