Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Word

As most of you know at this age (almost 20mths) Addison is a sponge, soaking up all of the knowledge that she can. Her new word over the weekend was "toilet". She has so much fun when mommy isn't looking to throw things in and play like it is her personal kiddie pool. I need to go find a lock for it, but I just thought it would be a quick thing to teach her not to do that. Guess not. LOL. So she now can say three bathroom words. "poop" (which we say with the silliest grin on our face), "toilet", and "tee tee". It is so funny. My mom said yesterday that she told her to poop. Wish I could have been there for that.


Amanda-The Family News! said...

Oh yes, the joys of picking up new words (and bad habits)... Avery was walking around this morning chanting 'poo-poo'. And he has been looking at me, shaking his finger and saying "no-no"...wonder where he picked that one up!
His personal bathtub is the dog's water bowl - he likes to "wash" his stuffed animals in there!

Anonymous said...

Get used to those words...they never go away and the kids only think they get funnier as they get older. Be thankful that you know to keep an eye on Addy near the toilet. Sophie is so unpredictable that I never know what disaster she will create! Yesterday it was "sandbox" in the dog food, today it was drawing on furniture with a marker...we'll see what tomorrow brings!!!