Friday, May 23, 2008

Issues-As always with a 1 yr old

Well, I am so happy that we have a long weekend to spend sometime together. Addison has a crazy thing going on where she won't walk. I know that something happened at school yesterday, but so far I can't get any answers from anyone there. We did end up calling 911 just in case she had a spine injury or something. I know that sounds crazy, but you would have just had to see what she was doing. She wouldn't not even stand. If you stood her up her legs would just collapse under her and she would scream and cry. It scared me so bad. I called up Grammy and ask her to come and see what was going on. She couldn't figure it out either. She still won't walk this morning and she is at home with her daddy today. When I was there picking her up she has a big place under her eye and I asked them what happened and they told me that there was some hair pulling. Well I think it went beyond that. I am over being angry I just wanted to know what happened. The director told me that I might want to see if she has a virus, because viruses can set up in their hips and cause them not to walk. She said another little girl there had it a couple of weeks ago. Another interesting thing was that one of her socks were wet and I couldn't figure out why. After all was said and done my mom suggested that maybe they put ice on it after whatever happened. Anyway, I hope she decides to walk soon. I had lots of thoughts on things to do this weekend.

We are hoping to paint the hallway while we are at home tomorrow and get somethings done around the house. I would love to paint the whole living room, but that is a big project that is going to take some time.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and stay safe!!!!!!!!

God bless all of our soldiers and fallen soldiers..


Amanda-The Family News! said...

Did they have an injury report or anything for you to sign regarding Addy? What class was she in yesterday?? Brian picked up Avery for me so I don't know where he was or who he was with... Kendra told me this afternoon that around the first of June that Avery will be moving up to her class...I am VERY thankful for that...I REALLY like her!!I would talk to Shelly about Addy's moving up to that class as well... Nothinig against the class he is now, but don't really know that teacher... Let me know how Addy is.

The Sparks said...

Samuel did that when he was about Addy's age. We took him to the ER and they did x-rays and everthing and never found out what it was. Finally he just started walking again. I hope all is well now.