Monday, May 5, 2008

Mother's Day

I have been thinking a lot about what it means to be a mother. WOW!! I never knew that God could give me such a gift. She is my gift. God has trusted me with a life. I think about that and sometimes get so scared. I want to make all of the right decisions and raise her to be the absolute best that she can be. I want her to see through all of the evil in the world and put her trust in God and hold her head high and not be a follower. I want her to be a leader and show people the right way.
I reflect back to the day that I found out I was pregnant with her. It wasn't what I was expecting and I wasn't ready, but isn't it funny how God knows that you are. I lost my way several years ago when I thought it wasn't "cool" to put God in your life and let people know that. I thought that I knew better. Tonight I sit and think had I not changed how in the world would I raise my daughter. I turn to God everyday to help me know what to do. I fight back tears to think where would I be without God and my family. I am still learning how to trust God fully. The preacher seems to know that I need to hear these things over and over.
It bothers me everyday to hear on the news and in the paper how people take lives for granted and hurt these gifts that have been trusted to us.
I also thank God that I have a mother who loves me and cares for me and my daughter. I LOVE YOU MOM!!!!!!
My last thanks on this topic is to my sister who has absolutely been my rock. She can never be thanked enough for never giving up on me and getting me back in church and helping me every step of the way. Sara, thank you so much for one of the best gifts someone could give me. Thank you for showing me all that you have and allowing me to be on your heels while I'm still learning.


Amanda-The Family News! said...

I hope you have a WONDERFUL mothers day!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am still learning too. But it's much more fun to have someone by your side isn't it? I am so proud of you and the job you are doing with your baby girl. I love you guys!