Monday, October 26, 2009

The Good Samaritan

Isn't it great how God puts you exactly where He wants you and when He wants you. We joined a small group at church of our peers and this past weeks lesson was on kindness and the good Samaritan and how we all need to slow down and look around us for people who need our love and attention. We listened and I coughed back tears as I know I am guilty of not always "looking" around to see who might need an ear or a shoulder or maybe even a hug. I often shy away from those people who would benefit most from someone showing some love. Well, our homework is to try and do something kind-spontaneously when someone needs you (loved ones or strangers). I thought about it and realized that our parents and grandparents didn't seem to have a problem doing this and that they always seemed to help people. My daddy, Mark's mom, my grandmother, all of these people come to mind and I can specifically remember events which they showed their kindness.
Well, tonight we were shown some kindness. A member of our group remembered that Mark is currently working on a year of unemployment, and he called us to see if Mark would be willing to do some work for him and earn some money. Not anything full time but none the less some work and some money. WOW!!!!! It hasn't been an easy year for us-our first year of marriage has brought many hardships, but we are working on putting God first and as the bible states He will bless you, He will take care of you. I don't want to mention names as the ones that need to know already do. This man has just brought a ray of hope to our world just before the holidays. Mark's birthday was great but there were also some tough times that day too, so Mark hold your head high and know that we are doing the right thing. He is already showing us that. I love you.


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