I did not feel myself building up with tears as my sweet 2 year old threw herself in the floor of the most crowded Chick Fil A in NC after our trip to the pumpkin patch with my sisters family on Saturday.
I did not take out my frustration and lack of patience on her daddy that we love so very much.
I did not wait three days before bathing my 2 year old before church on Sunday because it was not hot this week and surely she didn't sweat and wiping her down with wipes was okay. How gross of me.
I did not giggle on Friday that I only got to work 1/2 a day because school called and Addy had gotten sick 30 mins after Daddy dropped her off. I must add that she didn't decide that she would throw up just so that she could come home and be perfectly fine and spend 1/2 the day with Daddy and 1/2 the day with Mommy.
I did not selfishly agree that Addy "needed" prize "mims" (M&M's) for taking naps and using her toothbrush. I did not eat some of those fun packs of "mims" either.Nope not me and certainly not her Daddy whose favorite candy is "mims" and who ate all of that baby's mims so Mommy HAD to go by more. NEVER--Not me.
I did not pretend to be in the house cooking just so I could capture Mark and Addy so diligently working on putting out some Halloween decorations.

No I am not at all considering Mark's idea to put a goat in the backyard so that mess back there stands a chance of actually being Addy's play area next year.
I am not still confused as to what you do with a goat when you are done with it cleaning up the play area.
Not Me Monday is courtesy of Mckmama and her wonderful blog that I have become addicted to and am waiting o so patiently for that sweet baby Stellan to join his brothers and sister here in another week. YEAH
Funny!!! And love that "cheeky" pic Addy...
That picture is SO stinking cute I can't stand it : ). Doesn't it always work that way about the screaming temper tantrums? On the busiest times on the busiest days they just have to have one. Hopefully you won't have to deal with that again for a long long time!
Funny! And for the goat, we sold ours to a sweet Mexican family who, well, said she was the best goat they'd ever had! Harsh? Maybe, but that goat was evil!
I love it! Do you not remember our pet goat "Petunia" when we were little? That's what you do with a goat...you make it your pet.
Yes I remember Petunia, which is why I am trying to figure out what to do with it when it is done with cleaning the yard. I refuse to have a pet goat. The smell, the irritation, the poop. I am not ready for another animal. LOL...
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