Daddy has always called baby girl Little Tink. So here she is in all of her glory:
Friday, October 31, 2008
Pumpkin PJ Party
Addy's class had a Pumpkin PJ Party today. I was a little disappointed when I heard that they were supposed to wear their PJ's because I had already picked out her outfit for today. O well. Anyway, I thought she was adorable and so did they car load of teenage girls beside us at the red light this morning. Check her out:
I know what you are thinking and I will just say that yes she has a sucker in her mouth at 7:30 am, and I didn't want to, but it was a battle I wasn't feeling up to. I had to make the other kids in her class a little treat bag and she saw them. Yes I should have said no, but come on it's Halloween. LOL....
Posted by Stephanie at 6:30 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I wonder why some people feel better if they destroy others.
I wonder why a family had to live with the thought that their little boy was not going to make it and he has been born without any noticeable problems so far. (GOD)
I wonder why 2 year old's think it is funny to get their moms on the verge of tears at least almost once a week.
I wonder why they then become even more beautiful after you sit and think about it.
I wonder why some people are too nosy for their own good.
I wonder why I worry so much.
I wonder why I am sitting here typing about the why's in my brain right now.
I wonder why God trusted me so much that he gave me one of his children to raise and love.
I wonder how I can love something so much.
Just some thoughts for the night.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Stellan will join the Mck's outside of the womb today. Please pray for them through the surgery and all the testing. I will update as soon as I know something.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:48 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Mark and I enjoyed our evening together. We did go to Wompus Woods and we laughed so hard I thought I would pee my pants. We ended up being the laggers in the back because we were trying to see everything and our group kept running from us. O well. I was so happy that we didn't get stuck with the nearly 7/8 year old screaming little girls behind us in the entrance line. I got so irritated and told Mark that I hope I get some more patience before ours turns that age because that was most irritating. I think it must have been a little sleepover or something. I was praying for those parents. We had a good group. I think we were the oldest, but the teenagers that were with us were really cool. Dinner was great-I even had some wine. Thank you again Grammy and Popee for keeping her. She had a blast and won't quit talking about you and the kitty that climbed on the table with Ary. LOL..... Get ready around Christmas time for another night :) We love you.
Here are a couple of pictures from Mark's birthday cake. Addy really like the "bug". Connie made it for him, and he said he was surprised. I just love that man.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:40 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Daddy, I snuck in here and got on the computer while Mommy was trayin to clean the house so that you and her could have more time. I will go back to bed in a minute, but don't tell on me. I just wanna to make sure that you knew how excited Mommy was to get to spend time together on your big day tomorrow. She is happy that of all the things you coud haf done u r gonna b with her. AWWWW!!! Haf fun and HAPPY BIRTDAY 2 DADDY!!!
"Addison Reigh, it is time for you to be in the bed"
Gota go Daddy, Mom's gonna git me...LOVE ADDY
Glitter Graphics & Comments
Posted by Stephanie at 5:13 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Not Me Monday
I did not feel myself building up with tears as my sweet 2 year old threw herself in the floor of the most crowded Chick Fil A in NC after our trip to the pumpkin patch with my sisters family on Saturday.
I did not take out my frustration and lack of patience on her daddy that we love so very much.
I did not wait three days before bathing my 2 year old before church on Sunday because it was not hot this week and surely she didn't sweat and wiping her down with wipes was okay. How gross of me.
I did not giggle on Friday that I only got to work 1/2 a day because school called and Addy had gotten sick 30 mins after Daddy dropped her off. I must add that she didn't decide that she would throw up just so that she could come home and be perfectly fine and spend 1/2 the day with Daddy and 1/2 the day with Mommy.
I did not selfishly agree that Addy "needed" prize "mims" (M&M's) for taking naps and using her toothbrush. I did not eat some of those fun packs of "mims" either.Nope not me and certainly not her Daddy whose favorite candy is "mims" and who ate all of that baby's mims so Mommy HAD to go by more. NEVER--Not me.
I did not pretend to be in the house cooking just so I could capture Mark and Addy so diligently working on putting out some Halloween decorations.

No I am not at all considering Mark's idea to put a goat in the backyard so that mess back there stands a chance of actually being Addy's play area next year.
I am not still confused as to what you do with a goat when you are done with it cleaning up the play area.
Not Me Monday is courtesy of Mckmama and her wonderful blog that I have become addicted to and am waiting o so patiently for that sweet baby Stellan to join his brothers and sister here in another week. YEAH
Posted by Stephanie at 4:56 PM 5 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Saturday Night Funny:
Mark just came from the bedroom and asked if I minded if he wore my pants. He has on my black work out capri pants because he can't find his sweatpants. LOL LOL LOL. ROFLMBO!!!! Geez I wish he would let me take a picture for all to see.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:53 PM 1 comments
Pumpkin Patch in the Sky:
Alan, Sara, Mark, Sam, Sophie, Addy, and I rode to the mountains today to the pumpkin patch. Addy had a ball and didn't want to leave, but when the lady taking our money gave all of us free apples she was fine and ate all of them herself. :) Sweet thing. I wish it had been a little warmer, but at least it got me in the spirit of Halloween. O by the way, I made these new hairbows for her too. I loved the way they turned out.
"Come on Sophie--there's lots of stuff here", "ADDY, NO RUNNIN"
Daddy,these sure look like "nakes" to me:
Daddy found his pumpkin:
Posted by Stephanie at 5:33 PM 0 comments
She Turned Two - October 3, 2008
After a few days, LOL, here are some birthday pics. We had a small get together here at the house. Our closest family and friends came and my oldest sister Sam made her sweet cake. Addy loved it and so did everyone else. We also enjoyed Papa John's pizza and then Sara and Alan let us borrow their jumpy house. Thanks guys for everything. I love you all and it was another great birthday for her. We didn't take too many pictures because we were enjoying our time with everyone, but here you go.
She is waiting on her guest to arrive:
The girls:
My big cupcake:
Posted by Stephanie at 5:02 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
I know I know it has been a while, but I have been blocked at work from all blogs, ARGH. So I actually have to do like everyone else and post after I get home and I am having trouble finding that time. I am going to do better. I have birthday pics I need to post and then next week we are having her pictures done. Next Saturday is Mark's birthday and we have a babysitter. YEAH! He has been wanting to go to haunted houses since we met, but it hasn't worked out so we are going to have dinner and then some "teenage" fun. I can't wait. My mom is so graciously going to keep Addy so that we can go out. THANKS MOM!!
Posted by Stephanie at 11:54 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A Week Dedicated to My Angel
Day 4 of my angel at 18 months old. I can't put my hands on our Easter picture CD so I will have to use some others.
Posted by Stephanie at 1:45 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A Week Dedicated to My Angel
Day 3 of my week dedicated to my angel. We are now up to her first birthday this time last year. Enjoy
Posted by Stephanie at 5:19 PM 2 comments