We returned home Saturday after being away at the beach for a week. It was a lot of fun--Thanks to my mother who was able to get us all together to spend some time with each other there. There are WAY too many pictures to post all of them, but I will work on a slide show for at least several of them.

I was reading a friends post about her son and his "terrible twos". WOW. Addy has entered this stage too and it is driving me nuts. She is gaining so much of her independence, but still has NO clue what to do with it. She gets more and more of her mom's attitude and temper everyday. She has picked up rolling in the floor when she gets mad as her new thing. I can't tell you how much I love that. Everyone is staring at her and me and watching for my reaction. Every reaction is different I must say. It really depends on how many times she has decided to do this in a given moment. I know we are going to work through this, but I sure hope it is sooner rather than later.
That picture is adorable!!! Where did you get that dress?? She is TOO cute! And yes, "enjoy" the terrible two's!!! Glad you all had a great time - can't wait to see more pictures!!!!
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