Well here we are again. I REALLY didn't want to come back, but.............. Addy started back daycare today. I tried to tell her last night, but I don't think she really cared, although she did tell A'ry nite-nite. Mark and I had a wonderful weekend just the three of us spending some much needed time together. We didn't do anything special and really didn't do anything at all, just hung out at the house playing Wii and laughing. Mark found it hysterically funny that I hula hoop on the Wii fit. It is pretty funny to put it nicely. LOL!! I went to take a shower and while I was in there he hula hooped, but he won't let me watch him. Tomorrow starts close so another couple of days of working really late. Addy will have her first experience with a babysitter tomorrow night. That makes me a little nervous that Hannah may never want to come back. I don't worry at all about Addy she will be fine with it because different people at church watch her every Sunday.
O yeah. We did take his dad out for a Father's day dinner because we were on vacation on Father's day. His dad wanted to go to the Olive Garden. It was very nice and Mark enjoyed it too.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Posted by Stephanie at 5:55 AM 3 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thank goodness it is Friday. I am so ready too.
After much thought and consideration Addison will be going back to LBBCC on Monday. She misses her very good friend A'ry and she won't sleep at my sisters. I think maybe for her it will be the best thing. I hate moving her around so much and it got really confusing this morning. Mark ended up not getting home until I was leaving for work so he was ready to go to sleep. I called Mom who was still in bed and had to see if she would keep her so I could come to work. If she goes back to daycare I could just take her on to daycare when he doesn't get off until late. Double load on me, but there's nothing I can do about that right now, then maybe I won't have to hire a babysitter for close. Anyway, next weekend Mom is going to keep Addy on Friday so that Mark and I can have a night (if he is off of work). We are hoping to go out for some ADULT time. This has become even more important to me because right now we have a telephone relationship since he is working 2nd. I am in bed when he comes home and he is in bed when I leave and then at work when I come home. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:27 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Return from the beach

Posted by Stephanie at 4:40 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
Wize'n Up
We have the church Wize'n Up this week. I am excited to be a coach and have a little team. It is so funny how you change your outlook on things. I can't wait to see all of the kids have a great time and want to come back for more. My nephew Sam is going to be on my team--YEAH!!! I hope he still likes me afterwards. LOL. I can't wait to get started tonight and see all of the kids have a good time.
Pray that these kids will learn all they can during this week about Jesus and they will want to come back every week to learn more at SCC.
Also pray that they can invite friends and family in hopes to lead them to a better walk and life with Jesus Christ.
Posted by Stephanie at 11:16 AM 1 comments
MEME Monday
MeMe Monday!!
--Just trying something new--
What time did you get up this morning? 5:15 AM...Drive to Greenville is better early
What was the last film you saw at the cinema? UM.....Tick tock--don't remember
What is your favorite TV show? I like 2.5 Men, House, and lots of others--too many to list
What do you usually have for breakfast? Right now a bagelful is at the top..If you haven't tried them they are GRRRRREEEEEEEEEAAAAAAT
What is your middle name? JoAnne
What food do you dislike? Mushrooms--texture items
What kind of car do you drive? 2004 Honda CR-V when I am with the family and 1990 Honda Accord through the week to work
What is your favorite sandwich? Hands Down--PB&J
Favorite item of clothing? Bluejeans
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Hawaii Favorite brand of clothing? New York & Company
Where would you retire to? Somewhere close to my Grandbabies
What was your most recent memorable birthday? 21st although I didn't do too much
Favorite sport to watch? Football
Are you a morning person or a night person? Night
What is your shoe size? 9.5
Pets? None right now. One ran away and the other died.
What did you want to be when you were little? Lawyer
How are you today? Tired and a little stressed, but ready for vacation
What is your favorite candy? I love candy period, but I like Snikers with almonds
What is your favorite flower? Hydrandga
What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? June 14
What are you listening to right now? other loud mouths on the phone
What was the last thing you ate? leftovers
Do you wish on stars? Yes
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Purple
How is the weather right now? Hot and Humid
Last person you spoke to on the phone? Mark
Favorite soft drink? Pepsi
Favorite restaurant? Sad thing is there are too many to list
Hair color? Strawberry Blonde/Red
What was your favorite toy as a child? My Sheera doll
Summer or winter? Winter
Hugs or kisses? Hugs
Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate
Coffee or tea? Tea--I don't drink coffee at all
When was the last time you cried? Saturday
What is under your bed? Some stuff I am not willing to throw away yet--it is organized
What did you do last night? Went to a meeting at church and then home to go to bed
What are you afraid of? Spiders, but on a more serious issue I am afraid of what this crazy world is going to be like while my daughter is growing up
How many keys on your key ring? 4
Favorite day of the week? Saturday
Do you make friends easily? I like to think so
Posted by Stephanie at 10:57 AM 2 comments