Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
MEME Christmas
Christmas Meme!
I borrowed this from my friend Amanda at The Family News.
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Preferably wrapping paper, but sometimes it just doesn't work.
2. Real tree or Artificial? Real.
3. When do you put up the tree? The weekend after Thanksgiving.(we were a little later this year)
4. When do you take the tree down? The weekend after New Years
5. Do you like eggnog? Not really
6. Favorite gift received as a child? I don't remember, but I will say the year we got flashlights in our stocking and then took them to our beds to look at them was very memorable.
7. Hardest person to buy for? MOM
8. Easiest person to buy for? Baby Girl
9. Do you have a nativity scene? YES, I rec'd a special one this year--Thanks Mom
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? I usually mail, but I didn't send any this year
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I don't even know
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Clark Griswald
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I did pretty good this year and put up some stuff I got on clearance throughout the year. We pretty much only bought baby girl a couple of things the last few months.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? I don't think so, but probably.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Dessert
16. Lights on the tree? All white
17. Favorite Christmas song? HUMM I like almost all of them.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? home
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? yes
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Our family Christmas morning, but my in laws and parents change all the time.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? people who can't drive
23. What theme or color are you using? Purple and clear
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Desserts!
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? To see my baby girls face when she sees her tricycle. PRICELESS
26. Do you have a favorite ornament, what? Yes I do. Thats another Thanks to my mom who got me a praying girl with Addy's initials on it and DOB. I LOVE IT. I have a whole bunch that I REALLY like.
27. Gifts from Santa? Wrapped or Unwrapped? unwrapped.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:33 PM 1 comments
Check her out from last weekend at the mall.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:10 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
It's a BOW.......Party
Just wanted to let you know that there are some color charts on my bow blog that list all the colors I can order if there is an outfit you are looking to match. If I have to order the ribbon I can't guarantee any Christmas deliveries although I would try my best.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:56 PM 0 comments
It's a BOW.......Party
Well ladies, Here are the details.
My sister has been so sweet to let me hold this function at her house, because it is much bigger than mine.
When: Thursday December 18, 2008
Where: 110 Austin Place, Boiling Springs
This party will be a drop in beginning at 4:30 and will end around 6:30.
If you need directions please email me:
Please let me know if there is something specific you are interested in, I will be happy to try and accommodate your request. Also, if there is anyone you think would be interested in bows for their little ones invite them or at least send them over to the Hair Bow Blog: CrispCreations
I will be adding some pictures over the next couple of days.
I will also be taking any custom orders on that night and hope to have any Christmas bows requested done by Sunday December 21 unless there is an immediate need for someone and I will try to work it out.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:45 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Ladies and anyone else......
I am going to do it. I have been making some bows and we are going to do a bow party (as long as I have enough interest). Please let me know if you would want to come or we could do a virtual one too if that would be easier for everyone.
Also, I got the deal of a lifetime today. I ordered the Rose Petal Cottage from Amazon this morning because they had it on sale for $29.99 with free shipping. I am going to put it up for Addy's birthday next year.
Posted by Stephanie at 2:26 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
What He brings you to He will bring you through
Here I am again asking for prayers and love. We have been waiting for the "list" from Mark's job on who was going to get laid off and everyday they would put it off another day. At lunch time Mark called and told me that he still had his job, and that he would float from Duncan and Sptg to whichever crew needed him. He even saw the list of who was getting laid off and he wasn't on it. Only a few short hours later, he was told that tomorrow would be his last day. WOW.... Such shock and terror came over me. I am really scared. I don't know what to do. It isn't just us he has obligations to his son and unfortunately he has been made to keep up his ex wife as well so if those aren't paid he will go to jail. I don't know what to do right now. All I know is I hope things get better for everyone that the economy is effecting. This are truely scary times. Thanks again for your prayers.
Posted by Stephanie at 2:10 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
Black Friday
I am so ready to go on our annual shopping trip on Friday. This time I think we are going to change it up a little and go at 12:01am on Friday instead of 5am. As always it will be me and my shopping buddy Sara. I have invited my very best friend Amanda, but I think she believes its nuts to miss sleep for shopping-I love you anyway girl. I think this is the most exciting time for me because now I really am shopping for the kids. I have several to take care of and I have been online comparing deals and looking for the best prices for each of them. I can't wait. Some of you are thinking that I have to be crazy, but right now times are tough and where there is a deal there is me. My favorite retail kids clothing store (around here that I can afford) is right at the top of my list, GYMBOREE. I got a coupon in the mail today for an additional 20%. I can already see what great deals I can get for baby girl and others.
By the way, Sophie and Sara have been climbing on tables everyday for the last week. I sure wish they would stop so Addy would quit telling on them. :) Daddy joined them today.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:29 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
New Pictures
Addy's pictures are ready for order. Check them out here: There are two pages a total of 32 pics. Enjoy. Some of her many faces are revealed.
Let me know your favorite so we can narrow down our purchases. I am off to the gym.
Posted by Stephanie at 1:46 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
I come to you with a heavy heart and sad thoughts. Today was a tough day at work. I arrived on time and with no thoughts of anything bad until we noticed extra security guards and the mood was just not right. My two good friends that started the same day that I did almost 6 years ago, and I went to lunch today. After lunch Connie and I began working on the hard close review books for corporate next week and one of those ladies (Pattie) came to us and said it's me. She had been disabled from her computer and no one had even spoken to her about what was going to happen. Now call me old fashion or whatever, but I wish that someone would have talked to her before cutting of her access to her workstation. I know that it is never a good time for this to happen and I know the shape the economy is in, but this hit so close to home. I am sad for her tonight and her whole family. She lost a loved one last week and now this. She has gone through so much this past year that I know she will overcome this too. She was smiling when I left and said "where God closes one door he opens another". There were a bunch of people that this happened to today at our office and other locations for Hubbell and I just ask that you pray for these people and their families. This is not the time of year or a good time in the economy for anyone to get laid off. My heart aches for Pattie and these others.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:33 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
Pumpkin PJ Party
Addy's class had a Pumpkin PJ Party today. I was a little disappointed when I heard that they were supposed to wear their PJ's because I had already picked out her outfit for today. O well. Anyway, I thought she was adorable and so did they car load of teenage girls beside us at the red light this morning. Check her out:
I know what you are thinking and I will just say that yes she has a sucker in her mouth at 7:30 am, and I didn't want to, but it was a battle I wasn't feeling up to. I had to make the other kids in her class a little treat bag and she saw them. Yes I should have said no, but come on it's Halloween. LOL....
Posted by Stephanie at 6:30 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I wonder why some people feel better if they destroy others.
I wonder why a family had to live with the thought that their little boy was not going to make it and he has been born without any noticeable problems so far. (GOD)
I wonder why 2 year old's think it is funny to get their moms on the verge of tears at least almost once a week.
I wonder why they then become even more beautiful after you sit and think about it.
I wonder why some people are too nosy for their own good.
I wonder why I worry so much.
I wonder why I am sitting here typing about the why's in my brain right now.
I wonder why God trusted me so much that he gave me one of his children to raise and love.
I wonder how I can love something so much.
Just some thoughts for the night.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Stellan will join the Mck's outside of the womb today. Please pray for them through the surgery and all the testing. I will update as soon as I know something.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:48 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Mark and I enjoyed our evening together. We did go to Wompus Woods and we laughed so hard I thought I would pee my pants. We ended up being the laggers in the back because we were trying to see everything and our group kept running from us. O well. I was so happy that we didn't get stuck with the nearly 7/8 year old screaming little girls behind us in the entrance line. I got so irritated and told Mark that I hope I get some more patience before ours turns that age because that was most irritating. I think it must have been a little sleepover or something. I was praying for those parents. We had a good group. I think we were the oldest, but the teenagers that were with us were really cool. Dinner was great-I even had some wine. Thank you again Grammy and Popee for keeping her. She had a blast and won't quit talking about you and the kitty that climbed on the table with Ary. LOL..... Get ready around Christmas time for another night :) We love you.
Here are a couple of pictures from Mark's birthday cake. Addy really like the "bug". Connie made it for him, and he said he was surprised. I just love that man.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:40 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Daddy, I snuck in here and got on the computer while Mommy was trayin to clean the house so that you and her could have more time. I will go back to bed in a minute, but don't tell on me. I just wanna to make sure that you knew how excited Mommy was to get to spend time together on your big day tomorrow. She is happy that of all the things you coud haf done u r gonna b with her. AWWWW!!! Haf fun and HAPPY BIRTDAY 2 DADDY!!!
"Addison Reigh, it is time for you to be in the bed"
Gota go Daddy, Mom's gonna git me...LOVE ADDY
Glitter Graphics & Comments
Posted by Stephanie at 5:13 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Not Me Monday
I did not feel myself building up with tears as my sweet 2 year old threw herself in the floor of the most crowded Chick Fil A in NC after our trip to the pumpkin patch with my sisters family on Saturday.
I did not take out my frustration and lack of patience on her daddy that we love so very much.
I did not wait three days before bathing my 2 year old before church on Sunday because it was not hot this week and surely she didn't sweat and wiping her down with wipes was okay. How gross of me.
I did not giggle on Friday that I only got to work 1/2 a day because school called and Addy had gotten sick 30 mins after Daddy dropped her off. I must add that she didn't decide that she would throw up just so that she could come home and be perfectly fine and spend 1/2 the day with Daddy and 1/2 the day with Mommy.
I did not selfishly agree that Addy "needed" prize "mims" (M&M's) for taking naps and using her toothbrush. I did not eat some of those fun packs of "mims" either.Nope not me and certainly not her Daddy whose favorite candy is "mims" and who ate all of that baby's mims so Mommy HAD to go by more. NEVER--Not me.
I did not pretend to be in the house cooking just so I could capture Mark and Addy so diligently working on putting out some Halloween decorations.

No I am not at all considering Mark's idea to put a goat in the backyard so that mess back there stands a chance of actually being Addy's play area next year.
I am not still confused as to what you do with a goat when you are done with it cleaning up the play area.
Not Me Monday is courtesy of Mckmama and her wonderful blog that I have become addicted to and am waiting o so patiently for that sweet baby Stellan to join his brothers and sister here in another week. YEAH
Posted by Stephanie at 4:56 PM 5 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Saturday Night Funny:
Mark just came from the bedroom and asked if I minded if he wore my pants. He has on my black work out capri pants because he can't find his sweatpants. LOL LOL LOL. ROFLMBO!!!! Geez I wish he would let me take a picture for all to see.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:53 PM 1 comments
Pumpkin Patch in the Sky:
Alan, Sara, Mark, Sam, Sophie, Addy, and I rode to the mountains today to the pumpkin patch. Addy had a ball and didn't want to leave, but when the lady taking our money gave all of us free apples she was fine and ate all of them herself. :) Sweet thing. I wish it had been a little warmer, but at least it got me in the spirit of Halloween. O by the way, I made these new hairbows for her too. I loved the way they turned out.
"Come on Sophie--there's lots of stuff here", "ADDY, NO RUNNIN"
Daddy,these sure look like "nakes" to me:
Daddy found his pumpkin:
Posted by Stephanie at 5:33 PM 0 comments
She Turned Two - October 3, 2008
After a few days, LOL, here are some birthday pics. We had a small get together here at the house. Our closest family and friends came and my oldest sister Sam made her sweet cake. Addy loved it and so did everyone else. We also enjoyed Papa John's pizza and then Sara and Alan let us borrow their jumpy house. Thanks guys for everything. I love you all and it was another great birthday for her. We didn't take too many pictures because we were enjoying our time with everyone, but here you go.
She is waiting on her guest to arrive:
The girls:
My big cupcake:
Posted by Stephanie at 5:02 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
I know I know it has been a while, but I have been blocked at work from all blogs, ARGH. So I actually have to do like everyone else and post after I get home and I am having trouble finding that time. I am going to do better. I have birthday pics I need to post and then next week we are having her pictures done. Next Saturday is Mark's birthday and we have a babysitter. YEAH! He has been wanting to go to haunted houses since we met, but it hasn't worked out so we are going to have dinner and then some "teenage" fun. I can't wait. My mom is so graciously going to keep Addy so that we can go out. THANKS MOM!!
Posted by Stephanie at 11:54 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A Week Dedicated to My Angel
Day 4 of my angel at 18 months old. I can't put my hands on our Easter picture CD so I will have to use some others.
Posted by Stephanie at 1:45 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A Week Dedicated to My Angel
Day 3 of my week dedicated to my angel. We are now up to her first birthday this time last year. Enjoy
Posted by Stephanie at 5:19 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
A Week Dedicated to My Angel
Day 2. I pretty much decided that there are WAY too many favorite pictures to post so I am going to do every 6 months of her life so far. The first set of pictures were newborn pics and now I am moving on to 6 months old, but I am going to sneak in a Christmas pic. :) ENJOY
Posted by Stephanie at 4:56 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
A week Dedicated to my Angel
On Friday my sweet angel will be two. My how time flies. I find myself tearing up every time I think about how two years have gone by. God has given me two wonderful years with His child. There have been very stressful times, but man what I would give to go back and spend everyday again over with her and her daddy. I am going to spend this whole week reflecting on my baby girl and I hope that you aren't bored with it.
On our way home. Weighing in at 4.11 lbs and 19.5 inches long.
One week old
October 2006 her first trip to the Pumpkin Patch.
Posted by Stephanie at 10:40 AM 3 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Addy has become a little silly girl.
I picked up Addison from school on Wednesday and we went to Walmart. Much to my surprise when she dropped a piece of paper she said damnit. I thought I heard her correctly, but didn't want to make too big of a deal about it. I asked her what she said and she said it again. Okay so I WILL be talking to her Daddy about this as we have already had these conversations about watching what we say around ears Addy. We leave Walmart and are driving home when a car pulled out infront of us and I had to apply the brakes a little harder than we care to do and once again Addy said damnit. I get home and call Daddy to tell him what are foul mouthed angel has said and he said o no!!! We didn't have anymore of those that night.
Yesterday I picked her up from school and the afternoon teacher is laughing and came over to talk to me. She said that Addy had been playing in the corner by herself outside and she went to ask her what she was doing. This is how the conversation happened:
Teacher, "Addy, what are you doing sweetie?"
Addy, "It's Common Sense!"
Now, I started to laugh as did the teacher and I asked her if she was sure that is what she had said. She said I know I didn't think it was right either, but I asked her again and she repeated it and someone else heard her. They were all just laughing about it. We went inside to gather her things and the teacher asked her what it was and Addy looked up and said, "common sense". I guess Mommy has said that lately to Daddy.
Have a good laugh day
Posted by Stephanie at 4:57 AM 1 comments
Rose Petal Cottage
Could my daughter be ever so lucky to win a Rose Petal Cottage from Santa AKA An Ordinary Life. I can just picture my sweet neice Sophie, and Addison as the two girls on the front of that box in Addison's room playing ever so sweetly and painting freeties. AWE.... I love that scene. I think it would go something more like...."It's Addy's turn", No, Soph--iA it's Addy's" Soon Sara and I would be going in her room to monitor the girls play time, and then share some "tea" with them. Gosh I can't wait for these memories. Go check out An Ordinary Life for your chance to win and see the other great Christmas ideas listed. That time is coming soon.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:44 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
There is no white flag above our door......
Some of you may know that we have been trying and fighting really hard for my soon to be step son Taylor. We aren't ready to give up. We so didn't want his mom to put him on medication for ADD, but today she did it anyway. We wanted to try other avenues such as diet and different discipline actions at school and home, but tonight we have to back up and punt. We must look at our game plays and see where we can have better plays where the other team may not realize we are about to score. I am upset that she found a doctor who just wrote a prescription without any questions and sent them on their way. He told them that if it wasn't right he would be very hyper and that is how they would know if he was ADD. No counseling, no diet overview, no anything just a written fix as his mom would call it. I am upset at the school because we have been begging for follow ups about behavior and grades and we haven't gotten anything. We haven't received the first phone call, email, letter, nothing. We have sent more than 5 emails and two phones calls and we haven't gotten anything. Need I mention that Mark has requested a conference with no luck. The school called his mom and "told" on him as if he were doing something wrong. I don't understand. Please pray for this situation. I am working on what Pastor Sparks advised me to do: pray for Lynn and that family because that is all I know to do at this point. He explained that I should have done that first... He is right.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:59 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
My Charming Kids has started a new NOT ME MONDAY. I am excited about doing this along with other people that blog just to know that others do things sometimes as silly as me.
I did not pretend that Addy needed to taste the other birthday cake on Sunday at Sam and Sophie's party just so that I could indulge in another piece of fabulous birthday cake making that 3 yes count them 3 pieces of cake this weekend. Not me at all.
I did not let Addy pick out a toy at Walmart and then when we got almost to the counter when she wasn't looking I put it back. No not me. (she didn't even notice)
I did not let Addy brush my teeth with her toothbrush just so that she would possibly let me finish brushing her teeth, because that would just be nasty to share toothbrushes.
I did not hit the snooze button on the alarm this morning and then reset it to sleep another hour and not go to the gym to meet my sister. NOPE NOT ME... Sorry sis...
I did not have the thought of even going to purchase the Old Navy Skunk costume, because I have been so excited to make it that I would never consider purchasing one to save time and the hassle of making it. NOOOOOOOOOO WAY!!!!
I did not burn my finger really bad yesterday when cooking breakfast for my sweet family before church and almost cried at the pain that was coming from it and then decided to show it to Mark numerous times in hopes to get pity or something from it. No not me. (Gosh it hurt so bad)
I am not currently wearing a princess band aid on my burn that hurts so bad either. No way silly band aid characters.
I did not fall off of my shoe last week in Target trying to look ever so fashionable and almost fell on my face with my 31 lb two year old in tow. No way..Not this chic.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:47 AM 6 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
A Good Laugh
Over at It Only Takes A Sparks, Alyssa introduced me to Yearbook Yourself. Check it out it is hilarious. Here is Mark and I.
Posted by Stephanie at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Good News--
Mark talked to the doctor today and he has to talk to his family doctor and they will continue to monitor the nodule on his left lung. So all in all good news. Thank goodness for that and thanks for all the prayers.
Steven has been diagnosed with mono and will remain in the hospital for a little bit so he can receive steroids and be under a watchful eye until all of the swelling goes down. Thank you for the prayers for him too, but please continue to pray that he gets better soon.
WHEW I feel better......
Posted by Stephanie at 7:53 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
When it rains it POURS......
I coming to you today with two prayer request. I have more, but these I need lots of people praying for.
Mark went to the Doctor today to find out what has been causing his backaches. They did an X Ray and said he saw some arthritis in his spine, but the more important issue was that he believes there is something on Mark's lung. They have sent him from there to have a CT Scan done and find out what is going on. Hopefully and I pray that it will be nothing maybe an air pocket on the X Ray so please just pray that it goes okay. Also, help him find the strength to quit smoking because Addy and I want him to be around for a LONG time.
Secondly, I am asking prayers for my best friend's nephew, Stephen. He has been sick and just hasn't gotten any better. They put him into the hospital yesterday to find out what is going on in his little body. I know that his family needs prayers too.
I am sorry the post is so sad today, but I am praying we will have good news from them both.
Posted by Stephanie at 8:29 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Thanks for the Prayers
Pee Pee Paw, as Addison decided to call him yesterday, is well on his way to recovery and is doing well. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. She and Pee Paw sang together yesterday. It was really cute.
Addison's version on Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Tinkle Tinkle Little Star
How I wonder where you r
Tinkle Tinkle Star
I keep hoping that I will get a video going of her singing 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. It is so sweet.
Posted by Stephanie at 10:22 AM 1 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Learning to Fly
Are you wondering why I have a picture of Tinkerbell with the title of Learning to Fly? Well that is because my sweet angel decided it was time to spread her wings and fly. She felt as if she needed to explore greater things and discover more ideas.
During nap time today or what was supposed to be nap time she was struggling with going to sleep. We heard her talking for nearly an hour, but I was determined that she needed a nap. Next thing Mark and I knew was we heard a loud thump and then her screaming. I ran to her door with Mark on my heels. O MY!!! Flat on her back was my blue eyed angel with the scared look of that sudden stop that she came to. I never in my life have been so scared. All I could do was hold her. I couldn't even see if her limbs were still in place and attached. I knew she wasn't bleeding from the front side, but I couldn't let go. Mark finally got her and made sure she could move, but she was still crying that fear and screaming Mommy. I got her back from him and we dried up the tears. Mark told her to get down and walk and she did fine. Praise God. Sara and I were just talking about how we haven't had to go to the ER with her. Mark says it is time to change her crib into the toddler bed, but Mommy is the one struggling with that. I don't want her to be a big girl. Not to mention that at least she is somewhat confined in a crib. The ideas of her being able to get up brings nightmares into my head.
Posted by Stephanie at 7:00 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Celebrating with Sophie
Check this out. It represents their personalities very well..
All I have to say to that is my angel is just like her mom. WE LOVE TO EAT.
Can you guess who is going to be the cheerleader and who is going to be the ball player?
Posted by Stephanie at 9:05 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
September 11, 2008---Sophie's Special Day
Sophia, I hope that you have a wonderful day. I still can't believe that you are TWO and Addy will be there soon. I love you!!!!!!
Posted by Stephanie at 5:49 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Daddy heads to the Dr
Daddy took our angel to the ENT for a tube check this morning and everything looks GREAT. Mark said she did so well. He said that when they came in to check them she just laid her head on his chest and let them look. I am personally thinking that maybe he needs to be the designated Dr person if she is going to do that well with him.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:34 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Big D
I am asking that everyone keep Big D, Peepaw, Papa, Charles or whatever you would like to call my dear ol' soon to be father in law in your prayers as he will be having a procedure done on Thursday. Big D we are thinking about you and will be with you all the way. Love you
Posted by Stephanie at 4:41 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
And the weekend comes to a close
We spent the day in NC at the Crisp Family Reunion. Addy didn't have a nap all day and was VERY tired when we got home. We played hard and she told me in the bath that she was going to lay down----and she did, in the tub. It was funny in my opinion, but I know others won't think so. I never leave her unattended in the tub, so she was just fine. It didn't take her long to realize that going to bed in the bathtub wasn't a great idea. Tonight was the first night in a long time that she didn't cry when I told her it was time to go to bed. She gave us kisses and off she went.
I haven't had the chance to share with you the latest thing in her almost 2 year old life is to hide from us. She in fact told her Daddy tonight that she was hi-din. I thought it was cute, but it does get really annoying after a while. She hides in our closet with the lights out-she isn't scared of the dark at all. She hides in her closet in her room in our room, wherever her little heart desires. The funny thing is she is really quiet to. She doesn't move or talk. If I wanted her to do it she wouldn't. Sometimes she will be sucking her thumb which is even funnier because I know it is to keep quiet.
Tuesday she has to go have her ears checked at the ENT so I will post how that goes. Her Daddy is going to take her.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:08 PM 3 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Well, Addy is experiencing her first time of being sick to her stomach and actually throwing up. Mark wasn't home yet when I got up to go to the gym, so I had to skip that and I decided I would make her breakfast since I had some extra time. I fixed her some eggs (not like that was too hard). I finished everything and then woke her up to have breakfast. She ate, and seemed fine and then while we were washing her hands she had the strangest look on her face and out it came and again and again and again. I think it probably scared her because she started to cry. Needless to say we are at home together today because Daddy had to go to bed when he got home.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:41 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
1st Day of School
My little angel started her new school today. I just wanted to share with you a picture of her all ready to go. Please remember that I don't normally take her to school, so taking her is always a bit challenging for me. Addy now looks to me for comfort and protection. I know she always has, but now she is verbal and expresses that need for me. The look on her face this morning as if I were leaving her in a lion den as I went for the door. I couldn't do it. I had to pick her up and love her and tell her it would be fine and that mommy had to work late and wouldn't even be able to come and rescue her from the lion den. WOW!! My heart broke into so many pieces. What in the world would she do without Ary, how would her new teacher feel about her very vocal little self, Kendra and Natasha knew that she was very active and maybe Miss Ashley and Miss Gigi would get mad at her and maybe she wouldn't make any friends and my angel would have to play all by herself all day long. I made it 1/2 way down 85 and I called Mark. You know I fell in love with him all over again. He has a way of doing that. He didn't laugh or tell me how stupid it was that I was hysterically crying driving down 85 about Addison going to a new school. He never said that I have been leaving her all day with others for almost two years and that everyday she returns to me in the same "perfect" sweet condition she left in. He simply said "she will be fine". He gave me more encouraging words that a mom needed to hear from only another that loves the same sweet baby as much as she does. He talked me all the way through that drive and to be honest had he not answered or even have acted as if my feelings were silly I probably would have turned that car around and went back to either sit in the parking lot and cry until I convinced myself that she was fine or go in and get her. Maybe I am just overly emotional today and maybe it hit me because she had to be a big girl and carry a lunch box and she went without a diaper bag. I am not sure, but it NEVER hurts to have a man in your life who gets behind you and gives you that push that you need so bad on days like today. That being said:
Mark I love you and I appreciate your encouragement this morning and I hope that you prepare yourself for the next firsts. I don't know whether that will be school or dance or cheer or whatever it may be. I am looking forward to you always giving me that hug in the parking lot and telling me that our sweet angel will be fine and knowing that you mean it. THANKS in so many ways.
By the way, Yes I did call the school and it is the only way that I made it through the rest of the day. They were VERY nice and even went down to her room to see how she was doing right then. I didn't ask them to do that.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:39 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
Head over to Rocks in my Dryer for this fun post. Thanks Amanda for the idea.
It may not be as fun for me as I only have one.
How long were your labors?
How did you know you were in labor?
My water broke at work in front of everyone (yes just like on the movies) I still wasn't sure that was what was going on. The doctor's told me it probably wouldn't happen that way and it was 6 wks too early.
Where did you deliver?
Who delivered?
Almost the nurse and her daddy, but the dr did make it in to remind me that I wasn't pushing right and get me back on track. She was great.
Posted by Stephanie at 12:09 PM 1 comments
Shedding Tiger Tears
Well Sunday we had plans to go over to my mom's for a cookout and Mark decided to celebrate his home states victory and dress her in "Bama" wear. I am a Clemson fan, but in order to be fair he said that since she had a Clemson hairbow she had to have a Bama hairbow too. Even though it is the wrong colors she is still so very cute.
Posted by Stephanie at 12:08 PM 1 comments
Pictures are worth a thousand words
I have been meaning to post some of these and have forgotten. Here are a few from a couple of weeks ago when Sophie came to play and Seth came to play the next day. We are so greatful to have wonderful people in our lives to share great times. Love you all
Posted by Stephanie at 11:51 AM 1 comments