Well today I am struggling with something that I did that was horrible. I failed to use my brain and it could have been very bad. Addy and I laid down on the bed to take a nap and for the first time & she actually went to sleep. I got up and placed all kinds of pillows all around her and walked out--with the door open so that I was sure to hear her as soon as her friends in sleepy town got borring and she awoke to continue her explorations. Well by this point I'm sure you know what I am going to say..... She fell. All I could do was scream for Mark. "Mark, Mark" I shouted down the hall way as I broke down into tears. I was thinking What did I do? She is hurt and it's my fault. Big Brother Taylor and Mark came running down the hall and Mark said, "What Happened!!!!?????" He told me to give her to him and he got her and took her away from me and began to check her out. Well thank the Lord above she wasn't hurt. She had no bumps on her head, no scratches, no anything other than maybe a headache. THANK YOU GOD!!!!!! I think I might be hurt worse mentally and the horrible headache that I have from getting so upset and worrying. Lesson learned--I will never place her back on my bed again to sleep unless she is old enough to walk, talk and get up and down without help.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Well the surgeon has scheduled Mark's surgery for Friday August, 31 Labor Day weekend. He told us that we wouldn't have much of a Labor Day, but I told him we have a 10 month old there isn't much we were going to do anyway.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:49 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 20, 2007
Past Weekend
Mark went to his mom's house on Saturday to meet with everyone and go through some of her stuff. I must say that I was so excited when he brought home a very old cookbook and some of her recipes. I was like a little kid. I can't wait to take all of her recipes and make a book from them to have to give to Addison when she gets married. He brought several things home that I will treasure in our house. He brought Addy a china doll that is still in the box, a couple of necklaces, and her pearls. When I saw the pearls all I could think was how honored I would feel to wear those when we get married. (I hope to start planning our wedding next year) and then to be able to pass those down to our daughter when she gets older. He also brought me a little book on trials. I must tell you that lately God is speaking to me in heavy ways. I couldn't believe that Mark brought that book home and then in church on Sunday Pastor Hub was speaking on trials that God gives to us and how we need to find the joy and wisdom that He has shared with us through those trials. If we don't learn to get through them we can't make it through to the next step in our journies. How true that is.
Addison pulled up on Mark's leg for the first time yesterday and stood up. She was confused and I, of course, was excited. I am starting the birthday invitation and party checklist this week. Wow, so much to do, but I want to get started because I start class on Monday August 27. Her party will be at Lake Bowen Park on September 29. I have to coordinate with my sister though, because we are going to share the day for all of the kids. If you haven't had a chance to meet her wonderful kids this will be the perfect time. Sam and Sophie are two of the most gorgeous, funny, and smart kids that I know. I have already told Sara that I will pay well for her to teach my baby girl.
Please say a special prayer for Sara, my sister, as today she was returning back to Hendrix Elementary to educate more children. We certainly need wonderful teachers in the public school system, and she is WONDERFUL. We have joked about her "teacher voice", but I am sure she had to use it today. Also, please say a special prayer for Ashley Ford as she started her first day back to teaching at Wellford Elementary-where Taylor goes to school. She had been teaching 3rd grade and I was hoping Taylor would get her, but she has gone to teaching 2nd grade and was very nervous about it.
We didn't purchase the CR-V, they couldn't do what I wanted to do so we left and kept the VW. I have had to call the shop again this morning because on our way home yesterday the check engine light came back one. UGHH!! Please say a prayer that God will give me the wisdom to do what is in His will and not just what I might want.
Mark and I are going to meet with the surgeon tomorrow and see what they have to say about his hernia. I will post on that tomorrow. Please pray that everything goes okay-he is really worried.
Posted by Stephanie at 10:05 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Well, we had the fridge fixed on Monday and Tuesday-$200 later, but at least it is fixed. Mark seems to be feeling okay, but Tuesday we meet with the surgeon.
Currently I am working on making hairbows for birthdays and the upcoming football season. I have completed the spider, clemson, and a few others. I will post some pictures and if you know anyone who wants any please let me know.
I am hoping to go and look at a CR-V today and see what we can work out on it. The VW might be fixed today--we shall see.
Verses that I have been reading: Matthew 6:30-34
30 If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith?
31 So do not worry and say, 'What are we to eat?' or 'What are we to drink?' or 'What are we to wear?'
32 All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
33 But seek first the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness, 19 and all these things will be given you besides.
34 Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil
Posted by Stephanie at 6:30 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
Little Cutie
Addison did appear on TLC this afternoon at 2:30pm. YEAH!!!!!!!!! No, mommy isn't proud at all. LOL!!!!
Posted by Stephanie at 12:00 PM 2 comments
My Star!!!
I had entered Addison in the TLC Cutie contest and received an email back today stating that Addison will appear on TLC today August 13 between 9-11 and 2-4. I am so excited, even though I won't get to see it. Hope you all can.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:53 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Well, Mark found out Friday that he will be having surgery on a hernia soon. O and by the way Friday night the freezer quit working so add that to the list too. LOL!!!! We had a good weekend with the kids-no major melt downs or arguments. We got together with Addy's work Grandma (Connie) and her daughter, Shelly, and her granddaughters, Lindsey and Elizabeth. We all headed over to Mom's for a swim and had a ball. Some of the pictures are posted under the family pics to the right. Addy and Taylor seemed to get into some trouble together. Taylor would carry her back to her room and then we would hear Addy screaming. It was kind of funny. I'm glad he likes to play with her. Keep praying for us.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 10, 2007
Well Mark went to work yesterday and today, but he goes back to the doctor today to have an abdominal bulge checked out. I believe it may be a hernia. He is VERY nervous so pray that everything is okay. I guess I may have scared him a little when I told him what happens when you don't have a hernia checked out. I just want him to start taking better care of himself. He won't go to the doctor for anything. I didn't mean to scare him only to make him aware. Anyway, Addison's rash is much better and she is into everything. She is learning how frustrating it is when Mommy and Daddy tell you no. She loves the DVD player and we have spent most nights this week redirecting her attention to something other than that. Toys just don't cut it. LOL!!! I will post later what the doctor says about Marcus.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:09 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Another Week
I tell you our last few weeks have been tough. After all the car incidents etc. Mark has 3 kidney stones that he is really sick from and Addy still has a HORRIBLE looking rash. I wanted to stay home and take care of my Mark and my Addy, but I had to come to work today. I tell you what there is a song that I hear on the radio and one of the lines in the chorus is: "strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord." I just have to find the good in our last few weeks of hardships. I know that with our faith and trust in God that He will see us through these difficult times. I am just not sure why everything has to happen at once.
Mark had called me yesterday and told me that he thought he was going to have to go home, and then he called me back and asked me to pick him up at work. I told my boss and out the door I went. When I got to him he could barely walk. We arrived at the doctor's office and they put us in a room and we waited and Mark was in terrible pain. Finally, they came in and gave him two shots and then took him for an X-ray. She brought the X-ray back in there and showed us the 3 kidney stones that he has. WOW!! That's all I could think. Anyway, he is still at home today and still in some kind of pain.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:40 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 6, 2007
Car Issues
Well, update on the VW. Norm at Parr 3 called Friday evening to tell us that we are looking at around $2700.00. Wow!!! That's all I can say. Needless to say, Mark and I went to try and car shop this weekend. What an experience. Basically I was told I was fairly normal even though I was an accountant, I knew too much about cars, and I am expecting too much. Why is it that when a woman does her research and might know a little bit about what she is talking about they get all freaked out. I can say DO NOT GO TO FARRELL KIA. They thought I was dumb enough to jump into a Kia and pay $450-$500 a month for it. HELLO!!! I can get a Lexus for that. I might do it if I planned to live in the thing. We would like to get a compact SUV so we've been looking at the Honda CR-V, the Hyundai Tucson, and a few others. I am still so unsure. I think that the Honda is too pricey for us right now and I really like the way the Hyundai looks and have read the reviews and know a few people at work that drive one. We shall see. I told Mark last night that I would like to get it fixed and use it as a trade in. This is so hard. I just don't want to jump into something we will be unhappy with in 6 months. Just keep praying that we will make the right decision.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:53 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 3, 2007
My Co-Workers

Back Row: Scott, Rick, Joan, Larry, Dan, Jayson, Cassandra, Connie, Teresa
Front Row: August, Dana, Lori, Pattie,
Floor: Terri, Me, Kyle
Posted by Stephanie at 5:20 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Car Issues
Well yesterday's decision was to let them go ahead and take the engine apart and see how much damage has been done. Total cost for this project=$350. I have to at least take that step to see where we stand. I am praying that they come back and say you people are crazy the timing belt isn't broken it was a sensor. Yeah right. Anyway, Norm told me that as it stands right now the absolute cheapest we would get out of this deal would be $1900.00. That is with no motor damage. We shall see. Keep praying.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:27 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Nothing seems to amaze me anymore!!!!!!
Well let me start out by saying I am not whining and am doing much better about the situation now that I got to sleep on it. That may not be the case in a little while. Some of you may know that the Honda wouldn't start for me on Monday so I had to leave the car at work and a gentleman called his son who is a mechanic and he was going to come look at it on Tuesday. Mom nicely came to our rescue again and let us borrow a car and I drove the Volkswagon to work. Well the mechanic came and looked at the Honda and thought that the timing belt might be broken, but was going to have it towed to his shop. I paid him $50 to have it towed and off to get Addison I went. Low and behold I got right past the Duncan exit traveling at the mere speed of 80 and the gas was suddenly not doing it's job. I am in the fast lane and the car just dies. No anything. "WHAT" I immediately started crying like a baby and got over to the emergency lane. I was already on the phone (I know I shouldn't have been-it just helps time go by faster on the drive home) so Mark was on his way. I sat on the side of 85 terrified that one of the thousands of trucks blowing by me would not realize I was there and plow into me. I crawled across the seat and sat on the passenger side until Mark got there. Anyway, you will never believe--the timing belt broke. I have already heard the stories that if it did any motor damage we will have to buy a new motor. GREAT just GREAT!!!! While we are hanging out partying on the side of 85 with tears and lots of traffic the man that came to fix the Honda calls and says he couldn't get the car off of his mind so he went back to my work and put a relay switch in the car and it was running great. It wasn't the timing belt after all. WHEW!!! I told him that it was great news considering I was on the side of the highway waiting to have the other car towed. God is looking out for me. Anyway, currently the Volkswagon is waiting to have an estimate on the damage that it has from the timing belt. I have set a limit though and won't pay more to have it fixed than I owe. That is crazy. I wish that insurance would help out in a time like this. Keep praying for us. It was a long frustrating night to say the least.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:36 AM 2 comments