I just like this picture. We were just about to leave
to go pick up Amber and Taylor Friday.
We think the teeth are finally coming in. We have a corner.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Posted by Stephanie at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
There is not too much going on this week other than trying to get ready for the BIG YARD SALE on Saturday. My sister's family and I have decided to get rid of the infant stuff since the girls are getting bigger and so are the toys. If you know of anyone wanting or needing baby stuff come check it out. Sara has lots of Sam's clothes for sale and Sophia's too. I have some of Addy's clothes and we both have other baby stuff too. I am not sure of what all they have but I know it's a lot. There will be LOTS of great deals. It's off of Valley Falls Rd at Austin Place subdivision-across the street from the new rather large gated subdivision. Other than that Mark has been working a lot due to the storms. Monday he worked first and second shift and then some overtime yesterday. They wanted him to work second again last night, but he declined. He is really tired-the heat is very draining. We have the kids this weekend and hopefully we will be able to go check out some fireworks at some point. Addy is still working on trying to get the hang of crawling. Last night she was almost there and moved one arm and fell flat on her face. She wasn't very happy needless to say. Next week starts close at work so there won't be much going on then either. Addison's 9 month check up is next Thursday too. I know that I will hear that she is on the heavy size. All I can say is she takes after her mommy on that. The thigh thing will get you every time. I will post the doctor's notes from that next week. Hope everyone is surviving through the week-only two days until Friday. Also, I meant to put a note up about one of my friend's boss. He is 42 years old and fell back on a dock at the beach and broke his neck. From what I understand it was the C7-this means he has no use of his legs and really no control of his hands but he can move his arms. He is at a special place in Atlanta that deals with spinal cord injuries. I went on the website Caringbridge yesterday and located his page and read some of the friends and family post. He has a really encouraging attitude about it, but I know it must be hard to be going through something like that. His wife and him have twin daughters and a son-all under 10 years old. WOW!!! Please remember him and his family in your prayers. Some of you might know him-Mike Dube. They live in Boiling Springs and he works at Lancaster. It's just a reminder that you never know what each day brings so live everyday to the fullest.
Posted by Stephanie at 9:36 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Today we had a cookout at Chris and Sonia's. We had a wonderful time. Mark's mom got to come and we got some wonderful pictures. I will post more later. From left is Charles (Mark's Dad), Jewel, Mark, Lynn, Chuck, Vereda (Mark's Mom), Chris, Harvey, and Johnny.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Update on my friends dad.
He is doing wonderful. He came through brain surgery like it was nothing. They are still going to do radiation and kemo, but it could be a lot worse. He is going to get to go home tomorrow-only a week after surgery. The surgeon worked until she got all of the largest mass in the back of his brain, and decided to leave the others that aren't near as big. He has walked stairs and done therapy every day and has passed with flying colors. They still aren't sure where it originated, but hopefully the kemo will take care of it. Please keep praying for them as they continue to go through all of this. Their faith in God is amazing and I am sure that it will only get stronger now.
Update on Mark's mom.
Mark has been told that the bruising on her legs is coming from blood clots, but she went to the doctor on Monday and they gave her something to dissolve those. Also, she will be going to have another 2 pints of blood on Saturday. Please continue to pray for her and the family. These are trying times for everyone.
Posted by Stephanie at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
We cooked on the grill for the first time last night and it did wonderful. I am very excited about it. Addison is trying to learn to crawl. I wish that everyone could see her. She will get so mad at herself and just lay down and cry. Last night she was getting sleepy and was trying really hard to get her knees working and then laid down and put her thumb in her mouth and waited for me to get her so she could go to bed. I tell you these adventures are tiring. She is still running a small fever every night. I wish those teeth would just come in. She goes to school today and tomorrow, those days are always tiring. I called them yesterday about them putting her to bed with a bottle and they told me that DSS allows them to do that if they can hold their own bottle. Well, I disagree. We have NEVER and will NEVER put her to bed with a bottle. I would think that DSS wouldn't allow that due to the health concerns, but what do I know.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:37 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Posted by Stephanie at 4:32 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 18, 2007
Taylor playing with his sister. 06/15/07 Taylor decided to try on Addy's bows.
She is always looking for something to get into. 6/16/07
Addison visits with Grandma-Saturday June 16
Posted by Stephanie at 12:31 PM 0 comments
I hope that Mark had a great Father's Day. I will be posting pictures in just a bit. We sure had a BUSY weekend. Saturday started out bright and early-Mark, the kids, and I went shopping for the Grandpa's for Father's Day. After Addison got a nap we headed to Grandma's to see her. We had several great pictures from there. Aunt Lynn was there and she got to see Miss Addy's temper. While we were gone Mom and Steve delivered "the GRILL". Sunday we all got up and loved on Dad for a while and then gave him all of his gifts which he loved and then off to church. When we got home from church we cooked lunch and then off to Grandpa's house. From there we headed to Bob's house to visit for a few minutes and then home to feed Addy. We rested for a few minutes (long enough for Addy to eat) and then back in the car to take the kids back to their mom's house.
Posted by Stephanie at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 14, 2007
I found this poem the other day and I wanted to post it because I thought it was very neat. It is written by Thena Smith.
Father in Heaven up above
Who gave me this dear child to love
I come in faith to ask of you
That this trip you bring her safely through
I pray that you will bless her trip
And each moment of her day
That you will stay close to her
Whether she's at home or far away
I pray for each airline on which she flies
And each shore on which her foot will touch
I trust you Father God to protect
For I know You love her very much.
I know that the safest place on earth
Is only safe if you are there
And every Mother should remember
To handle their child with prayer!
Posted by Stephanie at 6:26 AM 0 comments
Posted by Stephanie at 4:59 AM 0 comments
Posted by Stephanie at 4:53 AM 0 comments
Please remember Mark's mom in your prayers. She is fighting a very tough illness.
Also, a good friend of mine at work is going through a difficult time as well. Her father will be having brain surgery today. Cassandra we will be praying for you and your family.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:40 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Posted by Stephanie at 10:57 AM 1 comments
I meant to give credit to Alan and Sara for the photos from the beach. Sorry.
Posted by Stephanie at 10:56 AM 0 comments

Posted by Stephanie at 4:25 AM 0 comments

Posted by Stephanie at 4:17 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
I have decided to start our family blog. This is something I have been wanting to start and just haven't found the time. I hope to be able to keep up with it so that everyone will be able to enjoy our blog. Let me know if you have any suggestions to help make it better and more enjoyable for everyone to look at.
Posted by Stephanie at 1:59 PM 2 comments