Well, Mark is headed out west to help out with all of the people without power. Please pray that he will make it there and home safe. It is doubtful that he will be back home before Christmas, but it is okay he is doing his part to help out. Just keep him in your prayers and the rest of the crews that are there.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Addy goes back to see Santa
Posted by Stephanie at 7:50 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 26, 2007
After Thanksgiving

Posted by Stephanie at 10:27 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Posted by Stephanie at 4:58 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Posted by Stephanie at 5:44 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 9, 2007
Addy's Sick Again
Bless her heart. Yesterday the call came in around 2pm from daycare and the director told me she needed to talk to me for a minute. They said she hadn't went to the bathroom all day not even a dribble and that she had just started vomiting. Out the door I went to pick her up and take her to the doctor after 7 days of upset stomach. Conclusion: a urinary tract infection and a yeast infection probably coming from the upset stomach she has had. We are on Omnicef and Cultrelle(I don't think that is how you spell that). Hopefully we will get out of this funk soon. Happy Friday.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:54 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 8, 2007
My Little Turkey

I know that only a child's mother can TRULY appreciate their artwork and know that it is beautiful. I hope that she does get some of the family's artistic talents.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:45 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Doodle the Penguin
I know it took a long time for me to post these, but here is Doodle as a Penguin. Grammy made the costume several years ago for Breanna and I kept it and now my baby girl got to show it off. THANK YOU GRAMMY
Posted by Stephanie at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Just wanted to tell everyone that I hope you have a Happy Halloween. We are going to take Doodle to the daycare where she goes(Lake Bowen Baptist Church). Mark is getting home too late for us to go much of anywhere else. I will post pictures maybe tomorrow. It's the first of the month though, so we will be working late. Have fun and most importantly be safe.
I haven't posted pictures yet of our new car either. I will do that soon too.
Posted by Stephanie at 7:47 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Posted by Stephanie at 8:20 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 22, 2007
It's Halloween Time
Posted by Stephanie at 5:09 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I have to post some very bad news today and I want everyone to remember to pray for both families involved. One of my VERY good friends is going through a very rough time right now. I can't imagine how he feels and how the rest of the family feels. Here is the link to the story from 10/17/07 on WSPA. http://www.wspa.com/midatlantic/spa/news.apx.-content-articles-SPA-2007-10-17-0005.html
To My Friend--I want you to know that you have a team of people praying for you and your family. If you need anything please let us know.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:50 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 7, 2007
2007 Reunion October 7, 2007

Posted by Stephanie at 5:33 PM 0 comments
Yet another week of fun!!!
Well once again we ran into a surprise. Mark told me on Thursday that he thought he needed to go to the doctor because he wasn't feeling good. Well Thursday night we were at the hospital while he was having surgery to put a stint in. Turns out that he has 3 kidney stones which were blocking the passageway that connects the kidneys to the bladder. Well they have put this stint in that is supposed to keep that clear so that his kidneys will continue to work properly. Wednesday he will be going back to be put to sleep again and have those three stones blasted so that he can pass them. GREAT. Never surprises me these days. I just keep thinking though, IT COULD BE WORSE!!! I am sure that he isn't thinking that though. He can't wait to have it taken out. To be honest-me either. LOL!!!!!
Posted by Stephanie at 5:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Posted by Stephanie at 5:32 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 1, 2007
Birthday Party
Posted by Stephanie at 4:58 AM 2 comments
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Another Big Day.
I can't believe you are 5 years old buddy. We all love you and hope you have a GREAT day. Don't eat too many cupcakes and enjoy your dinner tonight. You will always be Aunt Stephie's favorite buddy. I hope you made some love for me!!!!!!!!
Posted by Stephanie at 4:37 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 24, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Sick Little Girl
Well, we believe that Addy is on the road to recovery. I tell you everytime that something like this happens I find new respects for stay at home mothers. She was very sick, very whiny, very clingy, and not very happy. She has almost stopped running a fever, but Mark had to give her some tylenol this morning. She doesn't want Mommy to put her down at all. Mommy feels like this isn't a very good idea I must add. We are tired and stessed to say the least. I have started school back (almost 4 weeks ago) and midterms are just around the corner so having time to complete work, do homework, take care of a little one, and do the everyday duties are getting to be a bit stressful for me. Needless to say I was glad and sad to come back to work today. Sad because I want to be with my baby in case she needs me, but glad to get some much needed adult time after being in the house with her for the last two days.
My sister just called to tell me that my nephew, Sam, is very sick now. I guess the cooler weather has brought out the bugs.
Posted by Stephanie at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Sick Little Girl
Addy had to go to the doctor today after several days of running a fever and not getting better. Well they came back and said she has croop. Anyway long story short she is out of daycare at least until Friday and possibly will have to be put on steroids and breathing treatments. Right now her oxygen levels are still really good so we won't have to do that right now. Please pray that we don't--Mommy would rather not have to put her on steroids or breathing treatments.
Posted by Stephanie at 8:03 AM 1 comments
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Aye Mate

Sophie and her cake.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 13, 2007
IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!
No not me. My friend Amanda who is mother to Addison's boyfriend, Avery, is expecting a baby girl. I am so excited for her. This will be the first granddaughter on both sides. How fun. Congrats Amanda to you and your family.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:02 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Addy's Job
Yes we believe in starting them out early so that she will learn the value of a dollar. Just kidding. Addison is appearing on a website for a lady that I chat with on bow making. She requested models and I sent Addy's picture in and she decided to use her. YEAH!!! If you want to see the website is http://www.angelhugscustomboutique.com/store/WsPages.asp?ID=1. Once again Mommy's not proud at all. LOL!!!
Grammy called bright and early this morning and she is sick today so I took baby girl to daycare. Wow that was hard. She didn't want to stay at all. I had to end up walking out with no kiss or anything because she was really upset. I tried to explain to her that if I brought her to work she would have to play in a drawer and that wouldn't be much fun for 9 hours. She still didn't care.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:48 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sophie Turns ONE
I cannot believe it has already been a year since that beautiful baby girl was brought into this world. She is a blessing and I love that she and Addy will be so close-unless of course Sophie beats Addy up. LOL!!! I LOVE YOU SOPHIE, HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!
Posted by Stephanie at 4:37 AM 1 comments
Friday, September 7, 2007
Changes all around us

Posted by Stephanie at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
I am not going to go into details about this, but Mark and I are going through a tough time right now and I would like you to pray for us. I believe that it is mainly stress, but there are some situations that I am NOT happy with at all, and I am sure he feels the same. I know that in the end whatever is supposed to happen will, but to see that right now is really hard. Thanks in advance.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:26 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Mark is doing better as each day passes. I have gotten nothing done over the weekend and am very tired. He is really sore and isn't sleeping real well--hope that gets better soon. The birthday plans are in full force and I can't wait until her party. Now I am on to thinking about what to do for his birthday. School work is really hard right now--finding the time to do it. Mark cannot lift Addison at all so it's on me to take care of her and him and school work and the house. YEAH. This week is close at work so that will put me getting home extra late too. O BOY!!!
Posted by Stephanie at 4:26 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Well today I am struggling with something that I did that was horrible. I failed to use my brain and it could have been very bad. Addy and I laid down on the bed to take a nap and for the first time & she actually went to sleep. I got up and placed all kinds of pillows all around her and walked out--with the door open so that I was sure to hear her as soon as her friends in sleepy town got borring and she awoke to continue her explorations. Well by this point I'm sure you know what I am going to say..... She fell. All I could do was scream for Mark. "Mark, Mark" I shouted down the hall way as I broke down into tears. I was thinking What did I do? She is hurt and it's my fault. Big Brother Taylor and Mark came running down the hall and Mark said, "What Happened!!!!?????" He told me to give her to him and he got her and took her away from me and began to check her out. Well thank the Lord above she wasn't hurt. She had no bumps on her head, no scratches, no anything other than maybe a headache. THANK YOU GOD!!!!!! I think I might be hurt worse mentally and the horrible headache that I have from getting so upset and worrying. Lesson learned--I will never place her back on my bed again to sleep unless she is old enough to walk, talk and get up and down without help.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:23 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Well the surgeon has scheduled Mark's surgery for Friday August, 31 Labor Day weekend. He told us that we wouldn't have much of a Labor Day, but I told him we have a 10 month old there isn't much we were going to do anyway.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:49 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 20, 2007
Past Weekend
Mark went to his mom's house on Saturday to meet with everyone and go through some of her stuff. I must say that I was so excited when he brought home a very old cookbook and some of her recipes. I was like a little kid. I can't wait to take all of her recipes and make a book from them to have to give to Addison when she gets married. He brought several things home that I will treasure in our house. He brought Addy a china doll that is still in the box, a couple of necklaces, and her pearls. When I saw the pearls all I could think was how honored I would feel to wear those when we get married. (I hope to start planning our wedding next year) and then to be able to pass those down to our daughter when she gets older. He also brought me a little book on trials. I must tell you that lately God is speaking to me in heavy ways. I couldn't believe that Mark brought that book home and then in church on Sunday Pastor Hub was speaking on trials that God gives to us and how we need to find the joy and wisdom that He has shared with us through those trials. If we don't learn to get through them we can't make it through to the next step in our journies. How true that is.
Addison pulled up on Mark's leg for the first time yesterday and stood up. She was confused and I, of course, was excited. I am starting the birthday invitation and party checklist this week. Wow, so much to do, but I want to get started because I start class on Monday August 27. Her party will be at Lake Bowen Park on September 29. I have to coordinate with my sister though, because we are going to share the day for all of the kids. If you haven't had a chance to meet her wonderful kids this will be the perfect time. Sam and Sophie are two of the most gorgeous, funny, and smart kids that I know. I have already told Sara that I will pay well for her to teach my baby girl.
Please say a special prayer for Sara, my sister, as today she was returning back to Hendrix Elementary to educate more children. We certainly need wonderful teachers in the public school system, and she is WONDERFUL. We have joked about her "teacher voice", but I am sure she had to use it today. Also, please say a special prayer for Ashley Ford as she started her first day back to teaching at Wellford Elementary-where Taylor goes to school. She had been teaching 3rd grade and I was hoping Taylor would get her, but she has gone to teaching 2nd grade and was very nervous about it.
We didn't purchase the CR-V, they couldn't do what I wanted to do so we left and kept the VW. I have had to call the shop again this morning because on our way home yesterday the check engine light came back one. UGHH!! Please say a prayer that God will give me the wisdom to do what is in His will and not just what I might want.
Mark and I are going to meet with the surgeon tomorrow and see what they have to say about his hernia. I will post on that tomorrow. Please pray that everything goes okay-he is really worried.
Posted by Stephanie at 10:05 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Well, we had the fridge fixed on Monday and Tuesday-$200 later, but at least it is fixed. Mark seems to be feeling okay, but Tuesday we meet with the surgeon.
Currently I am working on making hairbows for birthdays and the upcoming football season. I have completed the spider, clemson, and a few others. I will post some pictures and if you know anyone who wants any please let me know.
I am hoping to go and look at a CR-V today and see what we can work out on it. The VW might be fixed today--we shall see.
Verses that I have been reading: Matthew 6:30-34
30 If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith?
31 So do not worry and say, 'What are we to eat?' or 'What are we to drink?' or 'What are we to wear?'
32 All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
33 But seek first the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness, 19 and all these things will be given you besides.
34 Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil
Posted by Stephanie at 6:30 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
Little Cutie
Addison did appear on TLC this afternoon at 2:30pm. YEAH!!!!!!!!! No, mommy isn't proud at all. LOL!!!!
Posted by Stephanie at 12:00 PM 2 comments
My Star!!!
I had entered Addison in the TLC Cutie contest and received an email back today stating that Addison will appear on TLC today August 13 between 9-11 and 2-4. I am so excited, even though I won't get to see it. Hope you all can.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:53 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Well, Mark found out Friday that he will be having surgery on a hernia soon. O and by the way Friday night the freezer quit working so add that to the list too. LOL!!!! We had a good weekend with the kids-no major melt downs or arguments. We got together with Addy's work Grandma (Connie) and her daughter, Shelly, and her granddaughters, Lindsey and Elizabeth. We all headed over to Mom's for a swim and had a ball. Some of the pictures are posted under the family pics to the right. Addy and Taylor seemed to get into some trouble together. Taylor would carry her back to her room and then we would hear Addy screaming. It was kind of funny. I'm glad he likes to play with her. Keep praying for us.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 10, 2007
Well Mark went to work yesterday and today, but he goes back to the doctor today to have an abdominal bulge checked out. I believe it may be a hernia. He is VERY nervous so pray that everything is okay. I guess I may have scared him a little when I told him what happens when you don't have a hernia checked out. I just want him to start taking better care of himself. He won't go to the doctor for anything. I didn't mean to scare him only to make him aware. Anyway, Addison's rash is much better and she is into everything. She is learning how frustrating it is when Mommy and Daddy tell you no. She loves the DVD player and we have spent most nights this week redirecting her attention to something other than that. Toys just don't cut it. LOL!!! I will post later what the doctor says about Marcus.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:09 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Another Week
I tell you our last few weeks have been tough. After all the car incidents etc. Mark has 3 kidney stones that he is really sick from and Addy still has a HORRIBLE looking rash. I wanted to stay home and take care of my Mark and my Addy, but I had to come to work today. I tell you what there is a song that I hear on the radio and one of the lines in the chorus is: "strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord." I just have to find the good in our last few weeks of hardships. I know that with our faith and trust in God that He will see us through these difficult times. I am just not sure why everything has to happen at once.
Mark had called me yesterday and told me that he thought he was going to have to go home, and then he called me back and asked me to pick him up at work. I told my boss and out the door I went. When I got to him he could barely walk. We arrived at the doctor's office and they put us in a room and we waited and Mark was in terrible pain. Finally, they came in and gave him two shots and then took him for an X-ray. She brought the X-ray back in there and showed us the 3 kidney stones that he has. WOW!! That's all I could think. Anyway, he is still at home today and still in some kind of pain.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:40 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 6, 2007
Car Issues
Well, update on the VW. Norm at Parr 3 called Friday evening to tell us that we are looking at around $2700.00. Wow!!! That's all I can say. Needless to say, Mark and I went to try and car shop this weekend. What an experience. Basically I was told I was fairly normal even though I was an accountant, I knew too much about cars, and I am expecting too much. Why is it that when a woman does her research and might know a little bit about what she is talking about they get all freaked out. I can say DO NOT GO TO FARRELL KIA. They thought I was dumb enough to jump into a Kia and pay $450-$500 a month for it. HELLO!!! I can get a Lexus for that. I might do it if I planned to live in the thing. We would like to get a compact SUV so we've been looking at the Honda CR-V, the Hyundai Tucson, and a few others. I am still so unsure. I think that the Honda is too pricey for us right now and I really like the way the Hyundai looks and have read the reviews and know a few people at work that drive one. We shall see. I told Mark last night that I would like to get it fixed and use it as a trade in. This is so hard. I just don't want to jump into something we will be unhappy with in 6 months. Just keep praying that we will make the right decision.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:53 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 3, 2007
My Co-Workers

Back Row: Scott, Rick, Joan, Larry, Dan, Jayson, Cassandra, Connie, Teresa
Front Row: August, Dana, Lori, Pattie,
Floor: Terri, Me, Kyle
Posted by Stephanie at 5:20 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Car Issues
Well yesterday's decision was to let them go ahead and take the engine apart and see how much damage has been done. Total cost for this project=$350. I have to at least take that step to see where we stand. I am praying that they come back and say you people are crazy the timing belt isn't broken it was a sensor. Yeah right. Anyway, Norm told me that as it stands right now the absolute cheapest we would get out of this deal would be $1900.00. That is with no motor damage. We shall see. Keep praying.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:27 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Nothing seems to amaze me anymore!!!!!!
Well let me start out by saying I am not whining and am doing much better about the situation now that I got to sleep on it. That may not be the case in a little while. Some of you may know that the Honda wouldn't start for me on Monday so I had to leave the car at work and a gentleman called his son who is a mechanic and he was going to come look at it on Tuesday. Mom nicely came to our rescue again and let us borrow a car and I drove the Volkswagon to work. Well the mechanic came and looked at the Honda and thought that the timing belt might be broken, but was going to have it towed to his shop. I paid him $50 to have it towed and off to get Addison I went. Low and behold I got right past the Duncan exit traveling at the mere speed of 80 and the gas was suddenly not doing it's job. I am in the fast lane and the car just dies. No anything. "WHAT" I immediately started crying like a baby and got over to the emergency lane. I was already on the phone (I know I shouldn't have been-it just helps time go by faster on the drive home) so Mark was on his way. I sat on the side of 85 terrified that one of the thousands of trucks blowing by me would not realize I was there and plow into me. I crawled across the seat and sat on the passenger side until Mark got there. Anyway, you will never believe--the timing belt broke. I have already heard the stories that if it did any motor damage we will have to buy a new motor. GREAT just GREAT!!!! While we are hanging out partying on the side of 85 with tears and lots of traffic the man that came to fix the Honda calls and says he couldn't get the car off of his mind so he went back to my work and put a relay switch in the car and it was running great. It wasn't the timing belt after all. WHEW!!! I told him that it was great news considering I was on the side of the highway waiting to have the other car towed. God is looking out for me. Anyway, currently the Volkswagon is waiting to have an estimate on the damage that it has from the timing belt. I have set a limit though and won't pay more to have it fixed than I owe. That is crazy. I wish that insurance would help out in a time like this. Keep praying for us. It was a long frustrating night to say the least.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:36 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Addy's BIG News
She's crawling. Today I was trying to get the rest of the clothes ready for the consignment sale and she crawled over to get a purple hanger. Imagine that---I thought it would be for food. It was the sweetest yet strangest thing I have seen. I LOVED IT!!!!!! I was SO PROUD of her!!! She's not Mommy's baby so much anymore. I had a video on my phone, but I couldn't get it to email to the computer. I'm sure it was operator error.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:43 PM 1 comments
Saturday Grandma Franklin came to visit. We had a great time talking and laughing at the kids. Sophie and Addy played well together for the most part. Addy spent the whole time eating Noah and the giraffe from the Little People's Noah's Ark. We went to Wal-Mart Saturday evening and I was going to get some wooden blocks for Addison and somehow came home with the learning dog. I can't remember it's name, but Seth has one and I love it. It sings the ear song. Anyway, Sophie is cutting two more teeth on top-OH NO!!! She has weapons now. Sara has taught her to grab hairbows out of other babies hair. LOL!!!! Just teasing Sara. Here are a few pics from Saturday.
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Posted by Stephanie at 6:27 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Return To Yesterday
Big D wrote this poem and sent it to me to post on the blog. ENJOY
Return To Yesterday
The wild horses of youth
Seems I can still hear
The pounding of their hooves
In my memory I rode one of the speediest
Oh, what a magnificent stallion was he
We rode into towns, drank, caroused and kissed the girls
Then rode away as quickly as we came
In one small town high up in the mountain
My steed was slowed, I had looked into the eyes of a lady
and was slow to ride away
Halfway out of town, I looked back and she was looking back at me
My stallion seemed to say
You can put me away into the green pastures
Where there is neither night nor day
The years have come and gone
And no regrets have I
For I took the beautiful lady
And put my horse aside when she became my bride
She is gone now and soon, so must I
Together through the years we had a splendid ride
Out walking down the road
I came upon the pasture
Where my wild horse of youth retired
But, alas, he had broken free
And like me, never again will be seen
Author-Charles Crisp Sr.
Posted by Stephanie at 10:33 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Daddy and the Orange Popsicle
Posted by Stephanie at 4:41 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 23, 2007
Grammy needed some help.
Grammy just told me that she went up to get Addy from her nap because she had been upstairs for a while. When she got up there she discovered Addison had been able to reach a silk flower arrangement that my mom had on the nightstand close to her crib. In her lap was all kinds of leaves and petals that Addy had picked and pulled off. I thought it was hilarious, but I don't know if Grammy thought the same.
Posted by Stephanie at 8:46 AM 1 comments
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
To My Mark
I just wanted to say that I love you more than you know. I am truly blessed to be part of your family. You told me the other day that we both have awesome families and you were right we do. I want you to always keep in mind that I am right beside you every step of the way. I LOVE YOU MARCUS!!!! and thanks for being you...... Love Stephanie
Posted by Stephanie at 6:27 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
To view the online guestbook click the following link: http://www.thewoodmortuary.com/ . We all agreed that the picture there is one of the best looking pictures she has.
The preacher said today at the funeral "Vereda was a LADY" That is so true. She was a LADY.
I have to post a recent memory of Vereda:
Addison hated to have her diaper changed just after she was born. Vereda and Harvey had come over to the house a couple of days after we got home with her. Vereda kept talking about how little she was. Addy needed a change so I took her back to her room and put her on the changing table. She was screaming so loud that Vereda came back their and asked Addison if I was rough handling her. It was the funnies thing and she and I laughed as she told Addy that she would take care of me.
Tonight Mark and I had just picked up Addison from my mom's and we were going by the store to get a drink. Mark looked up and there was the prettiest rainbow that I have seen in a long time. I wanted to get a picture of it, but by the time I got home it was gone. Mark said that he remembered Johnny saying he wished that Mom would give him a sign-I think that was our sign. :)
I am hoping for this weekend that we get so much needed relaxation and time with our little girl. (Mommy sure has missed her this week).
Posted by Stephanie at 5:52 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Please keep praying for the family as this is a very difficult time.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:58 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Addy's Checkup
As I said Addy had to go for her 9 month checkup today. Mark got to meet me there-which I thought was great. They did laugh about her being a "little porker". Other than that they said everything was great. She weighed---(drum role please) 21.10 lbs and was 27 inches long. The lady didn't say what her head measured, but she said she was right on track. I asked the Dr. if he thought I should cut back on her food and he said no to keep doing what I was doing. :) Also, she is in the 90th percentile for weight and 25th for height. Yeap that's mommy's little big girl. Have a great week. :)
Posted by Stephanie at 5:48 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 9, 2007

Posted by Stephanie at 4:24 AM 1 comments